How to Start the Simplest Blog with Markdown
How to Start the Simplest Blog with Markdown
Do you want a very simple way to keep notes about projects?
GitHub Pages is great for that because it has built-in support for Jekyll.
You won’t need to generate pages manually - just write Markdown files, push them to Git, and you’re done.
As simple as Kalashnikov rifle!
Below are a few steps to get started.
Create a New Repository on GitHub
Create a new repository named <yourUsername>
This name is important.
GitHub will automatically turn this repository into a personal site.
Enable GitHub Pages
- Go to your repository Settings.
- Select Pages in the sidebar.
- Pick the main branch as the source.
- Click Save.
After a minute or two, your site will be live at https://<yourUsername>
Create a Simple Home Page
In the root of your repository, add a file called
layout: home
title: "Home"
permalink: /
Create a Simple About Page
Also, create a file called
layout: page
title: "About"
permalink: /about/
This is a page about me.
I’m gonna fill it out someday. (Ha ha)
Create a Configuration File
Jekyll reads from _config.yml
in the root of your repository.
Here’s a simple example:
title: "Cool title"
author: "Your Name"
description: "Mindblowing description"
theme: minima
- title: "Home"
url: /
- title: "About"
url: /about/
Fill in your own title, author, and description.
This keeps your site info consistent and replaces default placeholders.
You can find supported themes here
Push Everything to Git
, and _config.yml
to your repository.
After a few minutes, your changes will be live on GitHub Pages.
But what about articles? Let’s move on
Create a _posts Folder for Articles
To publish articles, add a folder named _posts in the root of your repo.
Place Markdown files inside it.
Use the naming format
Example _posts/
layout: post
title: "How to Start the Simplest Blog with Markdown"
date: 2025-01-25
# How to Start the Simplest Blog with Markdown
Some text here...
Each time you push a new file to _posts, Jekyll generates a new blog post.
Remember to push your changes so they’re available on your live site.
That’s it!
You now have a functional blog on GitHub Pages using Jekyll and Markdown.
You don’t need to know anything about Jekyll, but if you want some customization go here
Good luck!